Walter Lippman once said "When all think alike, then nobody is thinking." Dextrix-09, the annual technical festival of Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology SD India, Panipat will instigate you to think, but more importantly think differently. The 2-day long event dated on 30th-31st October, 09 will bear witness to a plethora of events ranging from nerve racking quizzing sessions, algorithms, open source promotion, web designing to Robo race, 3-D architecture and network designing, which on its own will present a behemoth experience for one and all.
An askew term formed by the concatenation of the words 'dexterous' and 'matrix', Dextrix provides a platform to build up mental quickness which is the requirement for the acumen and prowess of competition. Our slogan "Its within you" signifies the presence of the same competitive spirit in all of us. What is required is a proper channelization of the same with an added bit of innovation to be the future torch bearers for the legacy of success.
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